Every October we celebrate with a weekend that includes two of our favorite Exceeding Expectations events.

On Saturday the kids came to Palm Springs for the Tram Challenge. EE runners ranged in age from 7 years to 19, as well as several college graduates. Joining the kids were a couple of long-term EE supporters and a number of parents as well. Each runner represented well!

We then took a group down to San Diego for the Challenged Athletes Foundation triathlon taking place the next day, where a team of five Exceeding Expectations runners completed the 10-mile run course. Their goal was not a fast time, but rather to run as a group and support challenged athletes on the course.

Enjoy the photos below and know that your investment in EE is paying off – one kid at a time.

Thank you, as always, for your support.





Palm Springs

3.7 miles and 2000' of climbing!



Courtesy of Marc Glassberg Photography


Courtesy of Marc Glassberg Photography






Courtesy of Marc Glassberg Photography



"Best Day In Tri"
San Diego





Landis Sims:
No hands, no legs, and made his high school baseball team
Check out his amazing movie, here.


Challenged cyclists led in by IRONMAN world champion
and Olympic silver medalist Michellie Jones





EE tradition: And afternoon on the beach after CAF